“Be the perfect image of Jesus Christ.”

—Fray José del Refugio Morales Córdova, OFM, Founder

The Franciscan Missionary Sisters are a bilingual Spanish/English community in California and Mexico, dedicated to restoring the Lord's vineyard in prayer, sacrifice and apostolic action.

Greetings of peace!

We are the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of Saint Clare Province. Established in 1972, our Province will be celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2022. We follow the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ through the intercession of our Blessed Mother Mary in a Franciscan way of life.

—Mother Anna Lilia Frias Vargas, OSF
Provincial Superior
St. Clare Province, California

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Mother Provincial Anna Lilia Frías Vargas singing with the Novices

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Our Charism

To be fruitful members of the Church through total dedication to Christ, poor and humble, to restore the Lord's vineyard in prayer, sacrifice and apostolic action.


Our Apostolate

The Sisters teach in schools located in Sylmar and Los Angeles, California. They conduct a Retreat House in San Fernando, two homes for the elderly at Santa Ana and San Fernando, California, two hospitals, Hermosillo and Tijuana, Mexico, a House of Prayer in Chula Vista, California and a House of Formation in Northridge, California.

Becoming a Franciscan Missionary Sister
of the Immaculate Conception

Entrance Requirements

  • 15-34 years of age

  • Good physical and mental health

  • A conscious faith life encouraged by prayer

  • Respect for and docility to the magisterium of the Church

Stages of Formation

The education and formation goals of our Founders were oriented to provide for our first Sisters a sound moral, spiritual, and religious formation based on the following of Christ, Poor and Humble. Faithful to this charism, our efforts in formation are aimed at discovering the authenticity of the vocation of the Sisters the Lord gives us and to motivate them to respond more and more fully and maturely to this call.

  • Aspirancy — 1 year

  • Postulancy — 1 year

  • Novitiate — 2 years

  • Temporary Vows — 6 years

  • Perpetual Vows — permanent formation

Vocation Stories

 Latest News

The Junior Sisters: Guillermina Mendez, Aracely Olivo, María de la Luz Joaquin, and Wendy J Alonso Renewed their Temporal Vows on September 4, 2022